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How to use a CHG swab properly?
Here’s how to properly use a CHG (chlorhexidine – gluconate) swab:
- For Pre – operative Skin Preparation
- Wash Hands: Before using the CHG swab, the person applying it (usually a healthcare provider) should wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water or use an alcohol – based hand sanitizer.
- Expose the Area: The patient’s surgical site should be properly exposed. For example, if it’s a knee surgery, the leg should be positioned in a way that allows easy access to the knee area.
- Open the Swab Package: Carefully open the package containing the CHG swab without contaminating the swab itself.

- Apply the Swab:
- Gently press the swab against the skin and begin to swab in a circular motion. Start from the center of the surgical area and work your way outwards. For example, if the surgical site is a 5 – centimeter diameter circle, start from the middle and make overlapping circular motions until you cover an area that is several centimeters beyond the intended incision site.
- Use enough pressure to ensure that the CHG solution on the swab comes into contact with the skin, but not so much pressure that it causes discomfort or damage to the skin.
- Cover the entire area thoroughly, including any folds or creases in the skin near the surgical site.
- Allow to Dry: Let the CHG solution air – dry on the skin. This usually takes a few minutes. Do not blow – dry or wipe the area after application, as this can reduce the antiseptic effect.
- For Catheter Site Care
- Gather Supplies: In addition to the CHG swab, have clean gloves and any other necessary supplies (such as sterile gauze if needed) ready.
- Put on Gloves: Put on clean, non – sterile gloves to maintain a clean environment and protect both the patient and the caregiver.
- Prepare the Area: Gently remove any existing dressing or tape around the catheter site, being careful not to tug on the catheter.
- Swab the Site:
- Use the CHG swab to clean around the catheter insertion point. Swab in a circular motion, starting close to the catheter and working outwards. Make sure to clean the entire area where the catheter enters the skin.
- Pay attention to cleaning under the catheter hub (the part where the catheter connects to other tubing), as this area can be a site for bacteria to accumulate.
- Let it Dry: Allow the CHG to dry completely before applying a new dressing or securing the catheter.
- For Wound Care
- Clean the Surrounding Skin: If there’s a wound, first use the CHG swab to clean the skin around the wound. Similar to the above methods, use circular motions to clean an area around the wound, about 2 – 3 centimeters from the wound edge.
- Clean the Wound (if appropriate): In some cases, for superficial and clean – looking wounds, a very gentle swabbing of the wound itself with a CHG swab may be possible, but this should be done carefully as you don’t want to damage any newly formed tissue. In other cases, especially for deep or complex wounds, it’s often better to follow the advice of a healthcare provider, as CHG can be irritating to some types of tissues.
- Dispose of the Swab: After use, dispose of the swab in a proper biohazard waste container according to local regulations.
It’s important to note that the specific usage may vary depending on the situation and the instructions provided by healthcare professionals or the product’s label.
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